creativity plays a criticalpart for pr success

How Creativity Plays A Critical Part For PR Success?

PR is all about fresh ideas and innovation to catch the attention of your target. Tried and tested PR activities may work but to get that extra boost, it’s creativity that pushes the surge in reach. In today’s world of media clutter, you need powerful creative ideas to reach your target. Now wonder PR firms today are vying with each other to get creative.
Carlsberg Beer for instance once came up with an amazing campaign in 2015, a large poster that said “Probably the best poster in the world’ and had a tap dispensing free beer. Needless to say, it was a big hit and gained tonnes of publicity.
In 2015, Sky Atlantic created an 8-foot animated polar bear to promote its new crime drama, Fortitude. This realistic animal was then unleashed in various places in London and gained plenty of eyeballs and was talked about for days.

Step into the mind of the client

The first step to getting creative is to also stay aware of whom your target is. Your creative ideas need to be at a level that they can easily understand. Understand their aspirations, their lifestyle and grab all the information that you can about them. The better your research, the better your PR campaign is likely to be.

Collaboration fuels creativity

While planning to brainstorm for creative ideas, bring in someone new to the discussion. The person need not even be on your team. This can bring a fresh perspective and throw up exciting, new ideas that you may never have thought of!

Hire a Creative Director

A global study done last year revealed that more PR agencies were hiring Creative Directors to work on their PR campaigns. This not only brought in the flair and finesse of professional marketing, these went on to make a mark amongst clients.

Throw the rules to the winds

If you have been playing safe with ideas, it’s now time for a change. Put those rules out of your mind and think out-of-the-box. Let everyone participate, write down all ideas, even if some sound remarkably silly. You can later pick what will work from this list. Charge up your brain! The right side of your brain is more visually oriented, so doodling can help start your creative engine. Drawing also helps you to relax and you’ll soon be brimming with ideas.

Be creative in communicating

Don’t make boring PPTs. Liven them up with animation, videos, infographics and more. These are more easily understood and offer better recall value too. Develop videos that have the potential to go viral and you could even chuck that boring press release!
Bring in the creative culture

To foster creativity, it’s important to make this part of the work culture. Regular creative discussions and new experiences besides watching creative work can generate fresh ideas. Reward creativity and soon it will become a habit.
Bring the creative dimension into PR and watch it improve sales and brand image.

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