
Common Mistakes By Companies

Common Mistakes by Companies from non-English speaking countries for PR support from India

A press release is one of the key tools that helps companies build their brand image at an extremely low cost and gives maximum reach. Informational press releases spread far and wide attracting more customers and investors to potential businesses. What makes a press release as informative and newsworthy? Keep in mind these key points. […]

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PR Lessons From Facebook

PR lessons from Facebook

Facebook needs no introduction; the social media giant founded by Mark Zuckerberg is here to stay. With millions of users globally, it has been one of the most popular ways for brands to reach audiences and has been used very effectively by PR agencies. The irony is that Facebook has been finding itself in some

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How To Network

How to Network?

Good PR ultimately boils down to having great networking and communication skills. Whether you are working at a PR agency or are looking for some coverage for your brand, networking skills are a must. For some networking skills come naturally while others may have to work at it harder. Whether you are a novice or

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