5 Top Reasons To Have A PR Calendar

The world is getting more and more competitive and brands are fighting for limited editorial and media space. How do you squeeze your brand into the news? This question is the base around which every PR activity is centered. However, every question has an answer and here we go.

One of the best tools that PR agencies can ever use is a PR calendar and in fact this is a well-kept secret of many top PR agencies. This is a tried and tested method to consistently keep your brand in the news. It also means that you are not taking mere shots in the dark hoping to hit the target but taking sureshot steps that will win.

All you need to do is create a PR calendar on MS Word or Excel and you’re good. You can find many templates online too. When you fill in your PR calendar, make sure it contains  details of days that are important to the company such as the day it was founded, festivals, days that can be tied to the brand, brand launch days, brand BTL activity days and more. Also make sure it carried deadlines, status updates and contact numbers of those who you need to work with.

Stay sharply in focus

When you have a PR calendar, you are not randomly spreading your energies to promote your brand. You build laser-like focus and are able to reach the target. Try to make a calendar that covers significant events slated for at least six months.

Identify days to create awareness

There are certain days such as festival days and other days such as World Computer Day, Brownie Day, World Wildlife Conservation Day. Look for days that can link to your brand and promote on those days with some activities. For instance, if you run a café, you could celebrate Brownie Day by giving some away to kids in an orphanage. This heart-warming gesture will win hearts and editorial space as you spread smiles.

When you create a buzz around something lie say World AIDS Day, the media is hungry for news on this theme during that period and you could tap into this opportunity to generate publicity.

A constant flow of activity

Instead of one-off press releases, the regular stream of information to the media will increase the chance of your release getting picked up. You will also feature constantly in the news building brand recall. Press clippings can be shared with followers on social media to gain further leverage.

Makes things easier

Once you have a PR calendar, things automatically start becoming easier. It’s easier to schedule and co-ordinate activities from one place. Your tracking also will become far better.

Work ahead and get better results

Since you will be starting work earlier, you get adequate time to brief the media about launches, new products or services or initiatives. This also gives you ample time to create customised pitches and increase your success rate. Besides this, special supplements and issues are prepared well in advance and this lets you take advantage of such opportunities.

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